Thursday, June 21, 2007

Class overcrowding...Not so much

The assignment was simple get a picture of an overcrowded communication class for a story and Lennie told me when a class that had 59 of 60 seats filled so it should have been simple but as we all know even if the enrolment is full that does not mean the actual class room is full and man was that true in this class. Just look at this shot.

Well I’m in a lot of comm class and I know that a lot of them are way to full so I did not feel that bad about finding an angle that made this room look full. I found it on the right side of the room where as I got down I could highlight a single empty chair this was just what I needed.
Then before leaving I noticed a guy sitting on the floor in the back of the room, this made my day! To make it better there was a woman in the seat in front of him so I could put a full seat on the right side of the frame an Nikolai working on his laptop on the left. Not a bad shot I think after being scared I would get nothing when the class started.
This was just a test shot I took before the class started that I liked a lot so I just had to put it on here as well.

1 comment: said...

look! you can do something other than sports