Tuesday, February 12, 2008

27 photos later

For Ana's birthday we are planning on taking a crony fun bus to Wendover. We were planning this Sunday night well Monday morning a Facebook group got started by Lana and we needed a photo for it well 27 photos later I had one!
The cut-outs are a little rough but I think it works well it was a lot of fun.

Friday, February 8, 2008

Super Tuesday!!! (and Monday)

WOW A TIMLEY POST!!! This week was Super Tuesday and Utah was one of the states voting well this lead to so exciting and not so exciting political shoots.

It all got stated on Monday when Michelle Obama visited to give a speech for her husband. I got some typical speaker shots of her but one point she worked the crowd into a frenzy, then when she was done she worked the crowd and gave her supporters hugs.

Those were my best shots my favorite shot was in the beginning when a specter took a picture of Obama their flash gave her a nice halo but my picture was out of focus. DAMN!
On Super Tuesday my day was filled with politics. It started at the capital where I was going to shoot the debate over HB241 that would strip instate tuition from undocumented students. This was my first time seeing the state House in action. I don’t know why it surprised me but they were boring as shit! Until I started to watch closer they were just as bored as I was!

This lady was playing with her lip gloss

This guy was stretching

This guy was my favorite

Once HB241 came up they said,
Let’s do it later.
Any Objections?
OK we will put off work after all we only got a 3 hour lunch.

Any way after going to the office I had to go back up to the capital to shoot protesters of HB241. It was going awful the sun was so low I had hard shadows or sun flare and with the cold they huddled together making it damn near imposable to get a good shot.
At the end they made a few laps around the fountain witch saved my ass I got this shot that I felt was my best until neither guy would give me their name.
So we used this one with a "group" of students.
To wrap up Super Tuesday I shot the results party at the Hinckley Institute. It was going really shitty just people watching CNN.

Then I started to notice that each time the Utah results came up these guys in the front started to cheer so I got their names and waited for Utah to come up again.
My favorite results shots were reminded me of the shots I got earlier at the Utah House.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Best speaker ever!!!

Well in typical fashion I was late on the post for Carnell West only problem this time was that it was for class credit I’m taking blogging as a social force and we got extra credit to go and write a blog about it but it was due a week after the speech oh well. I went to take pictures just for my blog Anna was doing it for the Crony I’m glad I went because it was one of the best speaker shots ever he was funny and his gestures made some good pictures.

In addition to his physical speaking style he had an entering speech that included the gangster lifestyle that many young black men try to imitate. When he was talking about this he reached in his jacket parented to pull out a gun and shoot someone this was one of my favorite pictures.
Well I hope that as this blogging class goes on I will learn to make my posts on time or not.